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~ Ask (Your Spirit Animal Guides) and Ye Shall Recieve ~

Did you ever have one of those days where you just “come up blue” and even though you KNOW better, you let your ego self mess with your psyche? Sets a nasty tone for everything you try to do, and that little black cloud just follows you everywhere!

Today was one of those days until a friend finally said “ask your guides for help! They are anxious for you to just give them permission to guide and assist you”. Humpf, of course I know that, isn’t that what I would tell someone that I saw struggling with themselves? Sometimes we see clearly the whole world of souls when looking out the window, but are blind when looking in the mirror. I was so grateful for my friend’s kind attention and advice to allow myself to “stand down”, that I instantly started to feel a little better and guess what? Something good happened to drop a little “hope bubble” in my day! Good energy attracts more good energy 🙂

From there I resolved to wait until the sun went down and visit the pool to do a little Tiger Water Meditation – Crossing my fingers that I would have the space to myself. For someone who loves living in the desert, I find my best travel and meditation time is in the still water. Lucky for me, not only did I have the pool to myself, but the usual bright pool wall lights were turned off….nice dark still water.

As I slid into the water under the stars, I enjoyed the silky feel that water seems to have only at night. Little bats were fluttering about overhead, but politely not disturbing my space. A few deep long breaths in…then out…and I felt the tensions and blues of the day melt away and float off. All seemed to be so peaceful and quiet as if it was planned for me. I reflected on the very issues that had crept up on me and had come close to setting me off on a prolonged funk, and with the calm gentle ripples of water caressing me as I moved slowly through to the center of the pool, the issues seemed to feel further and further away. Now the water felt like the loving caress of a mother – it was. I took this time to declare my love for Mother Earth and all her creatures great and small, and confirmed once more my promise to do what is within my power to help her restore the precious balance.

Then I asked for help. I humbly asked my spirit animal guides, angels, and All That Is, if they would kindly help me by guiding me in the right direction, protect me from dark energies, and show me signs when I am on the right path. The water seemed to ripple back gently towards me, and for a moment there was complete silence….until the Great Horned Owl spoke. As if in answer to my plea, the night silence was suddenly split by the gutteral call of the Owl. How perfect.

Just ask your spirit animal guides for help, they are always there – ready and willing to help you on your journey called “life”. 

Always In Gratitude,

Andrea, “Critter Doc”

5 thoughts on “~ Ask (Your Spirit Animal Guides) and Ye Shall Recieve ~

  1. I love to swim under the stars in the darkness of night. There is something very calming and nuturing about it. The water helps me release stress as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts; it helps me to remember connect with the support of all creatures great & small.
    Stephanie Phelps

  2. You are welcome Stephanie. And thank you for dropping a note :o}

  3. Beautiful :):)
    Last yr the night was my partner 🙂 this year?? It is almost as though I am unconciously avoiding it 🙁
    Heard the coyotes hunting last night at dusk.. usually I would sit or walk under the stars.. or when I hear them out at least.. strangely in avoidance.. any ideas??

    Feel like I am missing my guides… though I ask.. I feel lost and confused in my own mind..LOL

  4. Bronwyn (lovely name)

    It sounds as if you need a little walk about. Well, that is not always an easy thing to do 🙂 So instead, a series of guided meditations might be a very good idea for you to reconnect with your guides and rediscover your path.


  5. Hmmm.. funny.. been on walk abouts before.. everyone else always called it running away.. LOL.. But yes.. this time a walk about wouldn’t be fesable.
    How do you do guided meditions?? Feel like I know soo much.. my mind isn’t letting out these days..LOL.. Locked in a cave.. can see the world.. even respond.. but can’t break free 🙁
    The Mountain Lion calls.. but can’t see.. hears, but can’t feel?? odd not sure why I felt compelled to write that either

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