Animal SensAbility In-Home Mini Workshop Oct 29 2016

Welcome! Please complete all fields to register for the October 29th in-home mini “Animal SensAbility” Workshop to be held at the home of Andrea Sobotka. Tickets are $99 each. Andrea’s address and general directions will be emailed to you once you have fully registered.

Once you click on “Register” at the bottom, you will be directed to the secure PayPal check-out page. If you are purchasing more than one pass, be sure to adjust your quantity to your desired number in the payment screen.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: This workshop is limited to 12 people! Registration will close when sold out.

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Phone (required)

    City (required)

    Zip (required)

    Name of Attendee(s)

    Note: Registration Fee is Per Person. Remember to enter number needed when paying