Testimonials from Home & Around the World 
Joan Sommerlad, Financial Services, Fountain Hills, AZ, USA
I was given Andrea’s information from a friend when I told her my two boy (brother kitties) starting fussing and fighting with each other after 2 years of bliss. I was unaware at that time there was someone out there that could understand animals and help in this situation but I was willing to try anything.
The first time Andrea came to my house I felt an immediate “happy” when she came in the door. After 20 or so minutes she was able to identify the aggressor of the two which we thought was “the other one”. That alone was helpful knowing which cat was “starting the fight”. Each time she came to the house the boys greeted her at the door with a; “We are glad you are here!!!” After 4 or so visits working with the boys, and showing us what to do when certain things occurred, we had the situation under control. She is a very special lady and I would highly recommend her.
Mary Papa, Licensed Acupuncturist, MSAc, NCCAOM, www.MaryPapa.net
I use Andrea’s services anytime my dogs are out of balance. Everything from pre and post op treatments to prepare them for surgery and to help them heal faster after surgery, upper respiratory infections, digestive issues or even if they feel fear from a traumatic experience. My dogs always have a calm state of mind after getting their treatments. I highly recommend Andrea!
Nancy W., Fountain Hills, AZ, USA
Andrea helped me regain the balance in myself which had been lost for quite some time. I can now deal with everything in my life with a much clearer, calmer and more grounded frame of mind. Andrea is wonderful at assisting people and animals with whatever issues they may have.
Karen Wall, Wall Heating and AC Inc. GA, USA
Andrea has been a welcomed addition to our family and for our White German Shepherd, Shade. We adopted Shade from our vet hospital with many health issues that we were not aware of or did not come to surface right away. Come to find out that she has Epilepsy and it was very severe. Without Andrea’s help, guidance, and ultimate commitment to Shade, I truly believe the outcome of Shade would have been very different. We still have a ways to go with Shade, but with Andrea’s help we/she was able to touch into her own ability to heal herself, comfort herself, and bring her back from near death episodes. Whenever, times were really bad and we were not sure if Shade would make it – no matter what time of the day, night, or even her vacation, she was there for me and for Shade. Amazing!!!! We always knew when Andrea was putting her loving touch on Shade.
I truly believe the miracles that Andrea can give, saved the life of our beautiful and loving Shade, and also brought me to a better understanding of the spirits around us that can be used for each and every one of us and make the world a loving place. She has changed our lives and I look forward to continuing to working with her with myself, Shade and now to all of you and many others!!! You will be truly blessed to have Andrea enter your and your critters lives. She is the healer that keeps on connecting!!!
Thank you Andrea!!!
Dianne McNamara, The Ironwood Law Firm, Fountain Hills, AZ, USA
When I introduced Andrea to my horse, Scarlett, I asked her to help me build a partnership with Scarlett centered on good communication, respect, and safety. Andrea’s remarkable methods transformed a nervous and distrustful animal into a peaceful horse who rested her head in my arms. Scarlett’s sighs, blinking eyes, licking lips, and cocked hoof were all signs of how Andrea helped Scarlett to relax and trust me as her human partner.
June Marie Gavin, Personal Assistant, Fountain Hills, AZ, USA
My Maltese, Tia and I have had wonderful meetings with Andrea. I have healed physically, mentally and emotionally because of Andrea’s guidance and so therefore has Tia. Much of her symptoms were because of mine! Tia’s issue was aggressive barking at home or on our walks. Andrea tested Tia’s chakras and found her throat chakra blocked. Turned out mine was also blocked! I felt I could not say the things I needed to. Andrea is an excellent healer for critters, as well as, us human critters!
Andrea has an amazing way with animals and humans. Our dog Sunshine loved Andrea’s healing chakra stone massages. It helped her with some “potty” issues we were having. After working with Andrea, our dog Sunshine was no longer afraid to go outside in the rain! Our Son Evan also loved learning about his spirit animal the Penguin with Andrea. She explained how exploring and learning about his animal spirit guides can be positive and helpful is his life!
Dr. Praseena Deepak (MD), Mangalore, India
Andrea, aka Critter Doc, is one of the most genuine blessings Mother Earth has to offer to her creatures. She possesses intense love energy for all creatures, large and small, as well as deep insight and understanding of human nature. Strong willed, helpful and determined she is in her guidance, healing and teachings. Awaken yourself to the gift of Andrea’s guidance, look within and discover your Spirit animal and what messages they have for you. Explore the world of Spirit animals that are here to help you fulfill your destiny and shape who you are. I personally gained understanding into what I could not comprehend without Andrea’s wisdom. She helped me explore and reach out to my Spirit animal guides and for this I am forever grateful to her.
Marcia Mauskopf, Owner of Art of Photography, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
In one short session, Andrea’s presence with our dog helped release and reduce aggression issues that I had not been able to improve on in the four years since bringing our dog to her forever home. Andrea has a special way of reaching animals that is beyond the scope of conventional training and is a valuable and practical aid in problem behavior. I highly recommend her animal communication skills for anyone who would like to know more about your pet and how to enhance your relationship with her.
Charles-Andre, University Student, Quebec, Canada
Andrea helped me to confirm important information about who I am and my path in life, her intuition is very good and her visions are inspiring.
Miriamme Baum, Jupiter, FLA, USA
My life has changed for the better since Andrea (Critter Doc) started explaining more about my spirit animals and their meaning in my life.
Since discovering the Red Cardinal as my first animal spirit making itself known in my life, I feel so blessed they are still singing every single day right here in my back yard….Their beautiful song empowers my soul and helps me not to give up and stay on the right track in my quest for World Peace, Imagine…
Since then, the wise and intuitive spirit of the Owl has made itself know to me. Thanks to dear Critter Doc’s intuitive insights, I have been able to finally open the 3th Eye completely, and thanks to that, the crown chakra followed naturally in all its light and splendor. Last week a dragon-fly landed briefly on my hand and I could literally feel the Kundalini rising and it hasn’t left me since….I have become so in tune with the gift of light that animals in spirit and form constantly bring us!
I have a feeling that this is only the beginning. Andrea’s unique light work could be the Beginning of a Revelation that has never been witnessed on planet Earth before…
Karen Herzog, Business Manager of Dared Knot Music, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Andrea Sobotka is the real deal. I have no doubts in my mind that she indeed DOES communicate CLEARLY with animals. I hired Andrea to do readings on all three of our horses including asking specific questions. Not only did she answer each question, but all three distinct personalities and facts came through in her answers!… and Andrea had just met them. In fact, some of the comments she gave me back, only an experienced equestrian would have said. Not only is Andrea intelligent, trustworthy, have great energy, and easy to work and set up appointments with, she follows through exactly as you need her to with the biggest smile, the biggest heart, and with the most concern for the animal she is working with. A true professional, Andrea made me a full believer not only in her special capacity to communicate with animals, but in the whole underlying process that animals DO indeed have specific needs, thoughts, requests and personalities. Andrea, you are amazing, hands down. Thank you for being on this earth.
Sharon Lockwood, Writer/Author/Painter, Drayton Valley, Alberta, Canada
I believe we are all gifted and unique in some form or another and all we need to do is tap into ourselves to discover those gifts. I met Andrea about a year ago and have never known anyone who is as gifted as her when it comes to seeing/reading the specific significance spirit animals hold for us. Andrea possesses the most incredible gift of insight I have ever known, or seen when it comes to animal spirit wisdom and I am honored to know her.
Ovid Diaconescu, Hercules, CA, USA
I met Andrea more than two years ago. We chatted a bit and she offered to do a reading for me. I stated that I was a Capricorn and felt like a ram. Soon thereafter she got back to me saying that she sees me more like a penguin, able to transcend mediums at will – and lo and behold I’ve been seeing myself doing it progressively and intensely for two years now!
I see my immune system turned around more than 160 degrees, I see my life-energy being restored, including my focus, the condition of my nerves, muscles and movements, and I see myself out of this wheelchair for good one day soon.
Andrea is innately intuitive. I wholeheartedly recommend her for the special Light work she offers. Light workers are such dedicated and loving people, and I am so happy to have found Andrea among them.
Jakki Anyanzwa, Film Production Manager, Nairobi, Kenya
Before I met Andrea on Facebook I had little Knowledge of animal spirits. In fact I believed that the cat was the only animal that was a guide for some weird reason. When I met Andrea, she opened my understanding of the Spirit Animal world to a whole new level and I am so grateful for that! Now I can see the importance of having different spirit animal guides in our lives, understand what roles they play, what messages they bring, and how this change influences our lives. I am blessed to have been awakened to this realization. Thank you Andrea for helping me understand that all animals are so special to us. Blessings.
Heather Hunter, Proprietor of Casa Mariposa, Cave Creek, AZ, USA
Andrea has a beautiful gift of identifying the animals that influence and guide us throughout our lifetimes. She can see one or a multiple of animals with us at any given time. She provided a phenomenal reading for my husband and I, and we both felt the animals and the characteristics she described for each of us made perfect sense. She presented us with a lovely gift that we will forever treasure! I am so impressed with the depth and details she is able to provide! Andrea is a beautiful soul with a unique gift and connection to Mother Earth and her creatures, great and small.
Yayuk Putri, Jakarta, Indonesia
I remember I asked U about my animal totem and also some other animal symbols related 2 my dreams sometime last year..It was a marvelous encounter indeed, if U recall ;)♥ And U really provided a very important message back to me 4 real~ Overall, I Thank U 4 da detailed info sweet heart^_^♥ Truly..Everyday the truth is drawing closer and wonderful surprises keeps popping up beautifully:))…really feel Sooooo Blessed, indeed:)))) U’re a treasure and also a beautiful Ray of Light that belongs truly in this sacred Earth, 4sure~ Blessed be with Endless LOVE, LIGHT, and PEACE•.♥.•°°¸.•*¨`*•Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Agnes Fehlau, Intuitive Therapist, Radio Host, Toronto, Canada
Andrea is blessed with very special soul knowledge connected to the animal kingdom, matters of Gaia and its future. Her readings will touch your soul, trigger ancient memories and help you reconnect with nature and its inhabitants – and all to help you get closer to your soul destiny, how exciting! She is a blessing, at a time of grand shifts on our planet. May the Creator continue to bless your journey Andrea.
Paula Johansen, Grover Beach, CA, USA
Andrea, ‘Critter Doc’, is the best! She has great insight under the guidance of the animal spirit world. She is truly blessed with a gift. Andrea has helped me numerous times and I will continue to seek her advice and wisdom from the critter world.