Animal SensAbility Workshops; “Communication For Life Seasons & Earth Medicine”

Animal SensAbility Workshop Series Presents

“Communication for Life Seasons and Earth Medicine”

Enjoy a special connection with pets and wildlife!  Learn the value of animal communication and be introduced to natural “earth medicines” for all 4 seasons of life through the Animal SensAbility methodology. If you are a pet parent, animal caregiver, or simply a lover of animals and nature, this enlightening full day workshop event will unlock a whole new understanding of caring for the mind, body and spirit of the critters in your life.  PLUS, end the day with a special fireside “Storytellers Gathering”.  Horses Help in Cave Creek, AZ is the venue! Class seating space is limited so – Register Now!

Andrea Sobotka, aka “Critter Doc”, CEO of Spirit Animal Wisdom LLC, and founder of Animal SensAbility© methodology workshops, is the presenter for this workshop. She is a gifted animal communicator, a natural energy healer, and an intuitive counselor for pets and their people. Her clients range from puppies to tigers! Andrea also works as a volunteer wildlife medic and rehab volunteer. Her work is well known locally and around the globe. She is a published author, speaker, and has appeared on several talk-radio shows. Andrea shares her knowledge and experience in an interactive manner in small class settings, at specially chosen locations you are sure to enjoy.

  • Learn the keys of communication for each stage of life, from birth to crossing over time.

  • Discover ageless “Earth Medicine” methods for natural whole health & healing.

  • Learn the true FOOD approach to wellness vs. the toxic garden path we’ve been lead down.

Horses Help is the private workshop setting! Horses Help is a premier accredited therapeutic and recreational agency. These “therapy” horses serve the special needs population, from physically disable children, to war veterans. Experience the healing energy of horses, while learning how to “give back” to them.

~Learn, See, Feel, Share, Explore! ~



Workshop fee is $249 per person. Must be 18 or older. Some exceptions with prior approval available. Course workbook, materials and light daytime & evening refreshments provided.        

Animal Sense 2 – Communication for Life Seasons, & Earth Medicine, March 7th 2015

Animal Sense 2 Workshop

Communication for Life Seasons, & Earth Medicine

Enjoy a special connection with pets and wildlife!  Learn the value of animal communication and natural “earth medicines” for all 4 seasons of life. If you are a pet parent, animal caregiver, or simply a lover of animals and nature, this enlightening full day workshop event will unlock a whole new understanding of caring for the mind, body and spirit of the critters in your life.  PLUS, end the day with a special “Storytellers Gathering”. Wild At Heart Owls in Cave Creek, AZ is the venue! Space is limited to just 15 people – Register Now!

Andrea SobotkaAndrea Sobotka, aka “Critter Doc”, CEO and founder of Spirit Animal Wisdom, is the presenter for this workshop. She is a gifted animal communicator, a natural energy healer, and an intuitive counselor for pets and their people. Her clients range from puppies to tigers! Andrea also works as a wildlife medic and rehab volunteer. Her work is well known locally and around the globe. She is a published author, a speaker, and has appeared on several talk-radio shows. Andrea shares her knowledge and experience in an interactive manner in small class settings, at specially chosen locations you are sure to enjoy.

  • Learn the keys of communication for each stage of life, from birth to crossing over time.
  • Discover ageless “Earth Medicine” methods for natural whole health & healing.
  • Learn the true FOOD approach to wellness vs. the toxic garden path we’ve been lead down.

WAH logoWild At Heart Owls is the workshop setting! A special learning environment in a beautiful desert setting nestled among winged hunters of the skies. Wild at Heart is an all-volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of native Arizona raptors. Experience the beauty and mystery of their educational owls, hawks and other birds of prey. 


~Learn, See, Feel, Share, Explore! ~



Workshop fee is $239 per person (adults only please). Course materials and light refreshments provided. Workshop includes day access to the private PrideRock Wildlife Refuge grounds. A portion of all workshop proceeds will be donated by Spirit Animal Wisdom LLC to Wild At Heart Inc, a 501(c)(3) organization