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Living With Spirit Animal Guides: A Tiger’s Tale

This is a sneak peak of an excerpt from my upcoming book. It is a story of a life path, told from the eyes of an ancient and powerful Spirit Animal…

Living With Spirit Animal Guides;

A Tigers’s Tale

By Andrea Sobotka

As the morning sun lit up the sterile white floor of the sterile white room, nobody else seemed to notice the 500 pound Bengal Tiger that padded through the door and settled down quietly at the side of the little girl’s hospital bed. The wide eyed little girl reached over the bed railings to offer the tiger a lick of her orange Popsicle.

“There you go Tiger, isn’t that nice? It feels good on my throat, how about yours?”

“Wonderful” replied the tiger with a flick of her tail, “thank you, you are very kind”.

Angela looked around the room and wondered how come the doctors and nurses didn’t seem surprised or worried about her new friend. “Oh well” she thought, “I guess she is supposed to be here then”. Little Angela no longer felt alone and afraid, her new companion wrapped her all up with love, strength, and warmth. Now she could safely nap and let her poor throat heal.

13 thoughts on “Living With Spirit Animal Guides: A Tiger’s Tale

  1. Beautiful story, but so true,,
    I know that I feel my Wolf Spirit guide beside me many times. I feel her head on my lap many times, I see her wonderful eyes look into mine with comfort.. she has not spoken to me with words, but has spoken to me in the Language Of Love.

  2. When I was in bed very sick one night, trying to recover from Strep Throat, on my Second round of antibiotics, my throat suddenly had the WORST pain ever — and I am no stranger to sore throats — I could not talk, and I was drenched in sweat. I was very worried because of the pain, and did not know what to do.
    My beloved Princess kitty, who was at the foot of the bed, got up, walked over to me and … she Lay Down On My Throat! She had NEVER done this before (and never did it again) and I was quite surprised and puzzled. Then as she lay on my throat, my throat got VERY VERY hot – almost unbearably hot. When that happened, ALL the pain went away — NEVER to return!! When the pain went away, she imediately and silently got up, went back to the foot of the bed, and after I thanked her (in my heart and mind, as I still had no voice) we all went to sleep.

  3. In my first sweat lodge experience, many years ago, I crawled out of the lodge and passed out cold! When I came to I looked the West of the circle and standing just outside of the prayer ties was a being of light so bright I couldn’t see the face. I staggered to my feet and lurched over and stood just inside the ring of ties maybe six inches in front of the being and raised my arms skyward in imitation ! The being faded from my view! As a friend helped me get to the water, I looked skyward and saw a large dark eagle circling over the grounds! I knew that great bird circles me in the eternal present! This was a week long sweat ceremony and the next day, in the lodge, a spirit eagle emerged from the stone pit and rose through the roof of the lodge! It was electric blue! Lila Wakan!

  4. That’s a wonderful opening. I’m very appreciative of my wolf spirit guide too. You might enjoy a blog I wrote on spirit guides and totem animals.

  5. Thank you Mark, Ace and David for sharing your thoughts and experiences. It is wonderful realm to see and walk in :o}

  6. Last week my wee girl Jensen had her tonsils out and we let her 10 year old outdoor Tabby (want-to-be-lion-king) cat come in to comfort his human. I wrapped “Jack” in a big spiderman towel, so his fur and dander wouldn’t bother out son who is SO allergic. Jensen was laying on the couch and I laid Jack on her. Jack and Jensen were in heaven. his motor was humming like a four stroke. Jenny snuggled Jack for about 30 minutes. About as long as it took for her t-shirt to become totally soaked from jack’s drool….(he loves to be loved!) Jack comes in the house only briefly in the mornings for a splash of milk or yougurt and then out he goes (with his fur and dander) to his outside world (and a propane heated garage that costs us about $200 a month in the winter, poor Jack….NOT!) Anyhow, Jensen was very soothed by her Jack and all was good and off we went to bed. The next morning, as a big thank you for the the rare session of loving-in-the-house that Jack enjoyed, Jensen and I recieved a wonderful gift at the
    front door. A delicious mouse (minus the head) for us…what a beautiful, loving, affectionate, amorous critter our Jack is….just had to share.
    GREAT tidbit Andrea…can’t wait to read the whole story….keep writing 🙂

  7. Thank you Leanne. Did the mouse make Jensen’s throat feel better? :o} (I love Jack the Cat!)

  8. Wonderful Andrea!!! I think you’ll be surprised at how many people (children especially) who can relate to your story. Keep up the great work!!! Love the pic with the little girl on the lion :))

  9. This has all the earmarks of a beautiful book. I recognize the little girl and the event…….Write On!

  10. This is a beautiful story. I remember back home in Chicago I fell down on my stairs and when my brother help me into my bed my dog Ashley came over to comfort me actaully hugging me took away my tears and never left my bedroom he was a wonderful dog with so much love he would always jump on his hind legs to give hugs!!

  11. Andrea, keep writing,its beautiful,you have your mothers talent for writing !! Thank you for sharing this with me. I understand now , what you were talking about on Sunday .

  12. I have always loved animals :):) as a girl.. my favorites were cats, squirrels and horses.. but snakes were strangely tied with cats and salamanders way up there too.. horses.. seemed more like a mystical dream animal.. at that time 🙂
    I was severely allergic to cats, but my parents couldn’t seem to get that through to me.. I refused to believe these beautiful creatures were the cause of my affliction LOL
    My parents once told me to their chagrin.. If an animal has a collar.. It has an own.. I can’t make it mine. (guess I was collecting the neighbours Dogs at the time) Well.. almost NONE of the beautiful cats in our town had Collars…LOL ..OOPs
    My poor parents…LOL They eventually let me keep a kitten that I refused to give back to its Mother..LOL but it took sooo long she never got named.. “kitty” was like Jack and the cat healing.. and a Fairy Moose..LOL She wasn’t allowed in the house.. technically.. for at least a year.. but If I was upset or sick.. she would always appear.. throw her out.. and ghostly.. she would be found beside me again..:):)
    So miss my beautifully Kitty Cat.. we had many adventures together :):)
    Oh.. and I am no longer allergic to cats.. thou I would still have mild reactions into my 20’s 🙂

  13. Thank you for sharing Bronwyn! Silly old allergies – glad tehy are gone! Kitty healed that ~:o}

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